Mother nature is a cruel mistress and some days even in SoCal, the world famous weather can be unpredictable. When sweet & sexy Illinois boy Bastian Hart visits Cali, the midwestern slice of pasty perfection likes to get out there & toast buns in the warm California sun! However, this particular weekend, the clouds & […]
Bastian Hart
Helix Studios – Gifted Youth
Join us as we take a look at two of the most well endowed & blessed wunderkinder in twinkdom. Dalton Briggs & Bastian Hart are known famously and respectively for Dalton’s 8.5 inch fattie fuck sword and Bastian’s big, beautiful, in-your-face badonkadonk. These two twink titans open up for a juicy pregame interview and discuss […]
Helix Studios – Some Things Never Change
When Josh Bensan comes across an old 8Teenboy t-shirt, he begins to reminisce about the Helix Studios of yesteryear and gives an adorable history lesson to his cutie costar Bastian Hart. Of course you can’t think of the barely legal beauties throughout the Helix catalog without popping wood and The Ghost of Sweet Ass Past […]
Helix Studios Surprising The Roommate
This scene opens with opens with Travis Stevens, the embodiment of twink perfection, waxing his 19yo wood and laying in wait as mastur-bate for his prey. Enter Bastian Hart. With full pouty lips, baby blue eyes and ass for days, it’s no surprise he’s the object his randy roommate’s desire. The erotic ambush is successful […]